Mutual assistance in the framework of the International Law of the Sea against illicit drug trafficking by sea: the case of Spain and Colombia
Ruth García-Llave, Luis Eduardo Chávez Perdomo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.43.14
Commentary on the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I dated February 5, 2021: the sovereign transfer of prescriptive jurisdiction as the basis for the legitimation of the international punitive system
Nieves Irene Caballero Pérez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.43.15
The future BBNJ agreement as an opportunity for building a collaborative governance for the protection of the marine environment beyond national jurisdiction
Marta Abegón Novella / DOI: 10.17103/reei.43.16
El orden liberal ante el equilibrio de poder y la redefinición de la legitimidad
The liberal order facing the balance of power and the redefinition of legitimacy
Antonio Sánchez Ortega / DOI: 10.17103/reei.43.17
El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos rechaza dar una opinión consultiva
The European Court of Human Rights refuses to give an advisory opinion
Manuel Hinojo Rojas / DOI: 10.17103/reei.43.18
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Web of Science ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), ERIHPlus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), PAIS INTERNATIONAL, LATINDEX CATÁLOGO v. 1.0 y v. 2.0, ULRICH'S, DULCINEA, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, DIALNET, VLEX, CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas jurídicas), ÍnDICEs-CSIC. SCOPUS (Q3).
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La REEI es una publicación de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho internacional y Relaciones internacionales
ISSN 1697-5197