Dangerous liaisons: relations between Serbia, China and the EU in the context of the future enlargement of the European Union to the WB6
Antonio Francisco Rando Casermeiro / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.02
B2C contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services: problems of characterization and competent courts
José Ignacio Paredes Pérez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.03
El control de convencionalidad en el Derecho español: ¿una importación defectuosa?
The conventionality control under Spanish law: a deficient import?
Ignacio G. Perotti Pinciroli / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.04
The right to a healthy environment within the extractivism in the Americas: the scope of inter-american standards on business and human rights
Daniel Iglesias Márquez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.05
The recognition of the right to apply for international protection in Spanish embassies and consulates (comments on the Supreme Court judgment 3445/2020)
Ángel Sánchez Legido / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.06
The US recognition of the Moroccan annexation of Western Sahara in context: legal and political implications
Javier A. González Vega / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.07
La Convención de Singapur y los acuerdos de mediación comercial internacional
The Singapore Convention and the international commercial mediation agreements
María del Carmen Chéliz Inglés / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.08
Iran's strategy in the Afghan peace process. Conditioning factors: security and regional leadership
Javier Ruiz Arévalo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.09
The OSCE and the post-soviet space: 30 years of conflict prevention and resolution. A critical assessment
José Ángel López Jiménez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.10
The supranationalization of the operational support to the national asylum systems in the European Union
David Fernández-Rojo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.11
La trata de menores en los conflictos armados desde un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos
Trafficking in children in armed conflict from a human rights-based approach
Marta Iglesias Berlanga / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.12
Accountability for crimes committed during the ISIS caliphate: evidence as key
Montserrat Abad Castelos / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.13
Maritime security and interception of vessels in the suppression of illicit activities in the Law of the sea
Julio Jorge Urbina / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.14
Unity or fragmentation in international procedural law: revision of judgments at the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights
Laura Aragonés Molina / DOI: 10.17103/reei.41.15
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Web of Science ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), ERIHPlus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), PAIS INTERNATIONAL, LATINDEX CATÁLOGO v. 1.0 y v. 2.0, ULRICH'S, DULCINEA, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, DIALNET, VLEX, CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas jurídicas), ÍnDICEs-CSIC. SCOPUS (Q3).
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La REEI es una publicación de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho internacional y Relaciones internacionales
ISSN 1697-5197
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