Ethics and malpractice statement

Ethics and malpractice statement


This statement sets out the guidelines of the Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) to ensure transparency and integrity in the publication process.

I. Editorial responsibility and guiding principles

The REEI is a publication of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI). The Editorial Board, comprised of eight members (including the Editor-in-Chief, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, and the Secretary) must ensure editorial responsibility.

The Editorial Board and the journal’s management (Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief), appointed in accordance with the relevant regulations adopted by the AEPDIRI, will decide on the review process of submissions, ensure the scientific quality of published works, and take appropriate measures against malpractice.

The Editorial Board will abide by the principles of independence, impartiality, objectivity, and confidentiality. Under the principle of independence, the key publishing criteria will be the interest and scientific quality of the works. The Editorial Board or the journal’s management will appoint experts to review anonymized papers based on their knowledge on the relevant subject. The Editorial Board members will not act as reviewers. During their term of office, the members of the Editorial Board and the journal’s management will not submit any work for consideration.

The Editorial Board members must maintain confidentiality regarding the manuscripts received for publication and the review process. The works will be assigned to expert reviewers without disclosing the authors’ identity. Editorial Board members and external reviewers must not use for their own research any element whatsoever of the works submitted until publication.

Publication in the REEI is free. Authors will not be charged for the submission of originals or for participating in the editorial process. Editorial Board members, including the journal’s management and external reviewers, will receive no remuneration.

The AEPDIRI takes care of the electronic backup of the journal in servers appropriate for this purpose and preserves permanent access to its content. 

II. Review of manuscripts and guarantees regarding the editorial process

The Editorial Board will publicize the guidelines for submitting manuscripts, which will be easily accessible on the journal’s website, including the formal requirements under the style guidelines.

Authors are required to submit their works directly to the journal’s email address: The journal will acknowledge receipt within 30 days (excluding August).

The publication of Studies and Notes duly submitted and within the areas of interest of the journal (as considered by the Editorial Board) shall be subject to an external review process. Notes have a more specific and limited scope, although they must meet the same scientific quality standards.

Submissions will be subject to a double-blind review, ensuring the anonymity of both the authors and the reviewers. The Editorial Board and the journal’s management will decide whether to publish the papers based on two reports issued by experts in the field appointed by the Editorial Board—but not from among its members. Conflicts of interest must be avoided in the appointment of the reviewers, in particular due to direct personal or work relationships with the author. If the reviewer considers that a conflict of interest may exist, he/she will refrain from participating in the process.

Reviewers will assess the works objectively, considering in particular the following aspects: relevance of the subject matter; argument structure and development; writing and style; quality and methodology (including appropriateness of the references); reach and potential impact of scientific contributions; and compliance with the journal’s formal requirements.

Reviewers must indicate in their reports whether they recommend publication of the work without changes, whether changes are required before publication, or whether publication should be rejected. If the two initial reviewers do not reach an agreement, a third external reviewer will be appointed.

Based on the reports issued by external reviewers, authors will be informed of whether their contribution is accepted for publication. Any changes suggested by the reviewers will be communicated to the authors.

The Editorial Board will inform the authors as soon as possible on the acceptance, rejection or the need for revision of their works.

The list of external reviewers of the previous year will be published on the journal’s website during the first quarter of each year.

Contributions included in the Reports section will not be subject to external review but will be selected by the relevant Coordinator.

Book reviews will be written by persons appointed by the Editorial Board based on the interest and quality of the book. They will not be subject to external review.

Editorials will neither be subject to external review.

III. Copyright

Contributions must be original and not previously published or in the process of being published in a book or journal, whether Spanish or foreign.

Authors must ensure that their works are original, do not infringe third-party copyrights, and do not reproduce fragments of works by other authors. Co-authored works must be accompanied by a separate statement from each author.

The REEI provides direct open access to its contents, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International license (see

Readers can download, print, search and link the full content of works published in the REEI.

Authors are entitled to republish their contributions in any other publication as long as they indicate its prior publication in the REEI, including the journal’s name and website (

Authors may archive the version of their paper published by the REEI in institutional or academic repositories upon publication of the relevant issue. Previously, authors are entitled to publish their own version, but only after the paper has been finally accepted by the Editorial Board. In the latter case, they must indicate the issue where their work will be published.

IV. Measures against plagiarism and other improper conduct

The REEI pursues an active policy against plagiarism. No manuscript will be considered for publication without a statement of originality from the author, ensuring that the work is unpublished, not plagiarized and not affected by conflicts of interest.

Regarding potential conflicts of interest, authors must expressly indicate at the beginning of their works any professional or personal relationship that may affect their independence with respect to the subject matter. Any funding received for the research activity leading to the publication must also be indicated.

The use of fragments previously published by the author does not constitute plagiarism if this is duly indicated and the manuscript includes substantial innovations.

Simultaneous submissions will not be considered for publication.

The review process will focus on controlling plagiarism, especially verbatim reproduction of works by other authors. It shall also be ensured that sources and references are correctly cited.

Any interested party may report potential irregularities to the Editorial Board, including the relevant information, to the following email address:

If plagiarism or any other irregularity is suspected, the Editorial Board will act as promptly as possible.

Before taking any measure against potential irregularities, including the rejection or suppression of a paper, the interested parties will be heard.

Manuscripts with plagiarized content will not be published or will be suppressed from the journal. The Editorial Board will decide on the suppression of works affected by plagiarism or other fraud.

The Editorial Board will present the periodic reports on the journal’s activities as required by the AEPDIRI.



The Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) is published by the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI)


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Publishing in the REEI

The REEI is open to specialized research works on public international law, private international law and international relations.

Publishing in the REEI

Journal indexed in:

Web of Science ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), ERIHPlus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), PAIS INTERNATIONAL, LATINDEX CATÁLOGO v. 1.0 y v. 2.0, ULRICH'S, DULCINEA, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, DIALNET, VLEX, CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas jurídicas), ÍnDICEs-CSIC. SCOPUS (Q3).


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The REEI is a publication of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors

ISSN 1697-5197

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