The evolution of the instruments for strengthening Spanish-Algerian relations since the Treaty of friendship, good neighbourliness and cooperation of 2002: actually, a comprehensive cooperation?
By Siham Zebda / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.01
The interaction between freedom of expression and religious freedom in the ECTHR. The possible modification of article 525 of the Spanish Criminal Code
By Ruth Martinón Quintero / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.02
The legality of the trade policy measures of the Regulation (EU) 2021/167 in the light of WTO Law
By Carmen López-Jurado Romero de la Cruz / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.03
The first activation of Directive 2001/55/EC. Between the restrictive limits of the scope of personal application and the merits of its model of interstate solidarity in the reception of displaced persons from Ukraine
By Nuria Arenas Hidalgo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.04
Overlapping legal regimes in International Law to address ocean acidification
By Adriana Fillol Mazo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.05
Las relaciones internacionales en España: ¿Escuela o claustro?
International Relations in Spain: School or Faculty
By Inmaculada Marrero Rocha / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.06
Eurojust, twenty years of commitment to judicial cooperation in criminal matters in Europe. the future of the Agency in the face of war in Ukraine
By María Torres Pérez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.07
Activation of the temporary protection Directive for people displaced from Ukraine as a consequence of the war
By Georgios Milios / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.08
La culpa in contrahendo y el Reglamento 1215/2012: más preguntas que respuestas
Culpa in contrahendo and the Regulation 1215/2012: more questions than answers
By Vésela Andreeva Andreeva / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.09
La guerra en Ucrania: ¿qué (des)orden antecede a qué nuevo (des)orden?
The war in Ukraine: what (dis)order precedes what new (dis)order?
By José Manuel Pureza, Joaquín Alcaide-Fernández / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.10
Non-state actors’ participation in the UWTO: A model for the development of multistakeholder partnerships?
By Milagros Álvarez-Verdugo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.11
Challenges and dilemmas of a treaty on the prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity in the 21st century
By Margalida Capellà i Roig / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.12
Crónica de Derecho Internacional Público
By E. Jiménez Pineda, C. Quesada Alcalá, M. E. Salamanca Aguado, N. M. Ochoa Ruiz, M. I. Torres Cazorla, F. Gómez Isa, F. Pascual Vives, L. E. Aragonés Molina, A. D. Arrufat Cárdava, E. M. Rubio Fernández (coordinadora) y M. García Casas (coordinadora) / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.13
Crónica de Derecho Internacional Privado
By A. Lopez-Tarruella Martinez, M. A. Michinel Álvarez, P. Orejudo Prieto de los Mozos, E. Rodríguez Pineau, C. Vaquero López y B. Añoveros Terradas (coordinadora) / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.14
Crónica de la Política Exterior Española
By Montserrat Pintado Lobato y Victoria Rodríguez Prieto / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.15
By Javier Carrascosa González / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.16
By José Abu-Tarbush Quevedo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.17
By Javier Roldán Barbero / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.18
By Carmen Otero García-Castrillón / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.19
By Miguel Gardeñes Santiago / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.20
By Juan Francisco Rodríguez Ayuso / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.21
By Enrique J. Martínez Pérez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.22
By Xira Ruiz Campillo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.23
By Carmen Vaquero López / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.24
By Eulalia W. Petit de Gabriel / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.25
By Joan David Janer Torrens / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.26
By Adela Rey Aneiros / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.27
By David Carrizo Aguado / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.28
By Carmen Tirado Robles / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.29
By Ricardo Rueda Valdivia / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.30
By José Luis Iriarte Ángel / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.31
By Carmen Pérez González / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.32
By Claribel de Castro Sánchez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.33
By Andrés Rodríguez Benot / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.34
By Joana Abrisketa Uriarte / DOI: 10.17103/reei.44.35
The Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) is published by the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI)
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The REEI is a publication of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors
ISSN 1697-5197