Lhaka Honhat y los derechos sociales de los pueblos indígenas
Lhaka Honhat and the social rights of indigenous peoples
La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) cumplió recientemente cuarenta años de vida. Dentro de su rica jurisprudencia se encuentra la relativa a la protección de los derechos de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas y tribunales, a pesar de que la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos no prevé ninguna disposición sobre la materia. El 6 de febrero del presente año, el tribunal de derechos humanos de las Américas se pronunció en el Caso Comunidades Indígenas Miembros de la Asociación Lhaka Honhat (Nuestra Tierra) Vs. Argentina. En la...
By Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.01
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Keys to Regulation (EU) 650/2012 in light of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union: from specialization to (in)coherence through the myth of the principle of unity and unambiguous autonomous qualifications
By Ángeles Lara Aguado / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.02
Article 3, paragraph 2, Regulation 650/2012: non-judicial authorities and legal professionals
By Marta Requejo Isidro / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.03
The International Court of Justice and the progressive humanization of consular law: from Breard to Jadhav
By César Villegas Delgado / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.04
The Internacional Criminal Court and amnesties approved in transitional processes: does conditionality legitimate juridically their use?
By Joana Loyo Cabezudo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.05
COVID-19, global health and International law: a first approach of institutional nature
By Xavier Pons Rafols / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.06
La gobernanza de la inteligencia artificial: contexto y parámetros generales
The governance of artificial intelligence: context and general framework
By Margarita Robles Carrillo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.07
La protección de las niñas asociadas con fuerzas armadas o grupos armados
Protection of girls associated with armed forces or armed groups
By Rosario Ojinaga Ruiz y Ruth María Abril Stoffels / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.08
Women, public space, political participation and human rights: towards a parity democracy paradigm?
By Ruth Rubio Marín / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.09
El derecho a la libertad de los solicitantes de asilo y el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos tras la crisis de refugiados de 2015
By Juan Ruiz Ramos / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.10
A bilateral dispute with a multilateral dimension: jurisdiction and ius standi issues in the Gambia v. Myanmar case (provisional measures)
By Rosario Huesa Vinaixa / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.11
Exclusive jurisdiction on cross-border trade in genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge under the 2010 Nagoya Protocol?
By Manuel E. Morán García / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.12
The authorization to investigate the crimes committed in Afghanistan. Lights and shadows of the Judgment of 5 March 2020 of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court
By Esperanza Orihuela Calatayud / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.13
La expansión de la guerra informativa rusa (2000-2018)
The expansion of Russia’s information warfare (2000-2018)
By María José Pérez del Pozo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.14
International treaties on corruption: a potential path to extraterritorially prosecute serious violations of human rights committed by transnational companies
By Rosa Ana Alija Fernández / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.15
Protección diplomática y responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado: a propósito del asunto Couso
Diplomatic protection and State liability: the Couso case
By Beatriz Vázquez Rodríguez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.16
Crónica de Derecho internacional público
By S. Torrecuadrada García-Lozano, E. Jiménez Pineda, J. Laso Pérez, C. Quesada Alcalá, M. García Casas, M. E. Salamanca Aguado, M. C. Muñoz Rodríguez, F. Pascual-Vives y L. Aragonés Molina y A. D. Arrufat Cardava. E. M. Rubio Fernández (coordinadora) / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.17
Crónica de Derecho internacional privado
By S. Álvarez González, N. Marchal Escalona, G. Palao Moreno, E. Torralba Mendiola y J. M. Velasco Retamosa. M.ª V. Cuartero Rubio (coordinadora) / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.18
Crónica de Política Exterior Española
By Montserrat Pintado Lobato y Victoria Rodríguez Prieto / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.19
By Cesáreo Gutiérrez Espada / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.20
ANTÓN JUÁREZ, I., Acuerdos prematrimoniales internacionales, Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2019.
By Irene Blázquez Rodríguez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.21
By Federico F. Garau Sobrino / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.22
By Rafael Arenas García / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.23
By Daniel Iglesias Márquez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.24
By José Antonio Perea Unceta / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.25
By Nuria Marchal Escalona / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.26
By Carmen Otero García-Castrillón / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.27
By Ángel Espiniella Menéndez / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.28
By Miguel García García-Revillo / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.29
SÁNCHEZ LEGIDO, A., Controles migratorios y derechos humanos, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2019.
By Javier A. González Vega / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.30
By Xavier Pons Rafols / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.31
By Ander Gutiérrez-Solana Journoud / DOI: 10.17103/reei.39.32
The Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) is published by the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI)
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The REEI is a publication of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors
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