Distribution and sale, in Spain, of products which are made in a foreign country. Private International Law issues
By María Dolores Ortiz Vidal
El Estado sin territorio: La desaparición del territorio debido al cambio climático
The State without territory: The disparition of the territory due to climate change
By Mariano J. Aznar Gómez
The system of control of The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the interpretation on the ILO Conventions: A legal approach to an institutional crisis
By Jordi Bonet Pérez
The obligation of effective investigation in International Law of Human Rights: Special reference to the Spanish practice
By Carlos Fernández de Casadevante Romani
Arbitraje inversor-Estado: De “bella durmiente” a “león en la jungla”
Investor-state arbitration: From “sleeping beauty” to “lion in the jungle”
By Enrique Fernández Masiá
Coordinación vertical en la acción exterior de la UE: La dimensión jurídica
Vertical coordination in the external action of the EU: The legal dimension
By Mireia Estrada Cañamares
El contrato internacional en la nueva Ley cubana de Contratación Económica
The International Contract under the new Regulation on Economic Contracts in Cuba
By Lourdes Dávalos León
Technical law of motor vehicles production in international level: Harmonized technical regulations and type-approvals
By Vicente Álvarez García
Communication (beyond the breakup) when relation fails .The power limits between irAn, Israel, United States and the nuclear issue
By José Ignacio Castro Torres
La evolución de la obligación de extraditar o juzgar a través del caso Hissène Habré
Evolution of the extradite or prosecute clause through the Hissène Habré Case
By Marta Sosa Navarro
The protection and promotion of human rights from non-state violations by international bodies
By Nicolás Carrillo Santarelli
Breaking off diplomatic relations: A systematic approach with special reference to the consequences in diplomatic practice of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon
By Carles Pérez-Desoy i Fages
La secesión de territorios no coloniales y el soberanismo catalán
Secession of Non Colonial Territories and Catalonia’s soberanism
By Carmen López-Jurado Romero de la Cruz
Responses to the issues raised by the Green Paper on the Right to the Family Reunification: Revision of the Council Directive2003/86/EC of 22 September2003 on the Right to Family Reunification of the third country nationals living in the European Union
By Soraya Espino García
Is it possible a legal theory of application of international norms by Security Council of the United Nation?
By Gerardo Tripolone
Chronicle on International Courts and Tribunals (july 2012 – june 2013)
By Jorge Antonio Quindimil López
Crónica de actualidad de Derecho Internacional Privado (enero - junio 2013)
By Coordinadores: F. Garau Sobrino y A. Espiniella Menéndez
Crónica de codificación internacional: La labor de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional (65ª Sesión)
By Eva María Rubio Fernández
Crónica de Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente (enero-junio 2013)
By Alejandra Torres Camprubí y Rosa M. Fernández Egea
Crónica de Derecho Internacional Humanitario (enero-junio 2013)
By Claribel de Castro Sánchez y Fernando Val Garijo
Crónica de hechos internacionales (enero-diciembre 2013)
By Marta Iglesias Berlanga y Carmen Quesada Alcalá
Crónica de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (enero-diciembre 2011)
By Mª del Carmen Muñoz Rodríguez
Crónica de la Unión Europea (enero – diciembre 2013)
By Jorge Tuñón
Crónica de paz y seguridad internacional (enero – junio 2013)
By Cristián Delpiano Lira
Crónica sobre Derecho Procesal Civil Internacional (enero - junio 2013)
By Andrés Rodríguez Benot y Alfonso Ybarra Bores
Crónica sobre la aplicación judicial del Derecho de la Unión Europea en España (2013)
By Carlos Teijo García
By Asier Garrido Muñoz y Soledad Rodríguez Sánchez-Tabernero
By Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral
By José Manuel Sánchez Patrón
By Bénédicte Real
By Juan José Álvarez Rubio.
MONTOBBIO DE BALANZÓ, M., Tiempo diplomático, Barcelona, Icaria, 2012, 115 páginas Rafael Grasa
By Rafael Grasa
By Rocío Caro Gándara
By Alfonso Ybarra Bores
By Jordi Sellarés Serra
The Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) is published by the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI)
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The REEI is a publication of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors
ISSN 1697-5197
Mail: reei@reei.org