The concept of impunity in the light of Public International Law: A systemic approach from International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law
By Javier Chinchón Álvarez
The Right to Autonomy as emerging content of the Right to Political Participation of national minorities in Europe
By Eloísa González Hidalgo y Eduardo J. Ruiz Vieytez
The Complementarity Principle and the strategies of the international Criminal Court during the Preliminary Examination phase: why does the International Criminal Court mantain a Preliminary Examination into the Colombian situation without opening an investigation?
By Héctor Olásolo Alonso
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Communications from individuals: the cornerstone of the instrument
By Rosa Riquelme Cortado
La expropiación de YPF (Repsol) a la luz del Derecho Internacional
YPF (Repsol) nationalization in the light of International Law
By Romualdo Bermejo García y Rosana Garciandía Garmendia
The Unbearable Lightness of Customary International Law in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: The Jurisdictional Immunities of the State Case
By Jaume Ferrer Lloret
The responsibility to protect in contemporary International Law: Between the conceptual construction and the international practice
By Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado
La solución de controversias en los modelos de APPRI: Cláusulas tradicionales y nuevas tendencias
Dispute settlement clauses in model bits: Traditional clauses and new trends
By Millán Requena Casanova
Los crímenes sexuales en la jurisprudencia internacional
Sexual crimes in International Jurisprudence
By Valentín Bou Franch
¿Por qué participan algunos Estados europeos en las operaciones de paz en el Líbano?
Why do some European countries participate in peacekeeping operations in Lebanon?
By Javier Lion Bustillo
El artículo 4.3 del Reglamento Roma I. Una verdadera cláusula de excepción
The Article 4.3 of the Rome I Regulation. A real exception clause
By William Fernando Martínez Luna
The EU General Court clarifies the concept of acts open to challenge by individuals under Article 263 (4) TFEU:
By Luis González Vaqué
State apologies in international diplomacy: Spain, Morocco and the Rif in the centenary of the Spanish protectorate (1912-2012)”.
By Pablo La Porte
La Protección de bienes culturales en el Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia
The Protection of Cultural Property under the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
By Marina Lostal Becerril
Palestina: Retomando la iniciativa
Palestine: Taking up the initiative
By José Abu-Tarbush
Chronicle on International Courts and Tribunals (January - June 2012)
By Jorge Antonio Quindimil López
Crónica de actualidad de Derecho Internacional Privado (Enero - junio 2012)
By Coordinadores: F. Garau Sobrino y A. Espiniella Menéndez
Crónica de codificación internacional: la labor de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional (64ª Sesión)
By Eva María Rubio Fernández
Crónica de comercio internacional (Julio – diciembre 2012)
By Coordinadores: Clara Rey Sánchez, Elena Juaristi Besalduch y Alberto-Delfín Arrufat Cárdava
Crónica de Derecho Internacional Humanitario (Julio - diciembre 2011)
By Claribel de Castro Sánchez, Fernando Val Garijo
Crónica de derechos humanos (Enero - junio 2012)
By Mª Esther Salamanca Aguado
Crónica de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (Julio-diciembre 2010)
By Mª del Carmen Muñoz Rodríguez
Crónica de la Unión Europea (Enero - diciembre 2012)
By Jorge Tuñón
Crónica de paz y seguridad (Enero - junio 2012)
By Miguel A. Acosta Sánchez y Sara Iglesias Sánchez
Crónica sobre Derecho Procesal Civil Internacional (Enero - junio 2012)
By Andrés Rodríguez Benot y Alfonso Ybarra Bores / DOI: 10.17103/reei.30.24
By Asier Garrido Muñoz y Javier Laso Pérez
By Rafael García Pérez
By Paz Andrés Sáenz de Santa María
By Milagros Álvarez Verdugo
By José Elías Esteve Moltó
By Santiago Ripol Carulla
By Esther Barbé Izuel
The Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) is published by the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors (AEPDIRI)
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The REEI is a publication of the Spanish Association of International Law and International Relations Professors
ISSN 1697-5197